(A Government of Telangana Enterprise)
Government established TGTS Ltd. as a specialized agency to build up skills for development of computer systems requirement specifications, techno-commercial analysis, market intelligence etc. for procurement of computer and office automation equipment, acceptance testing and all related services. Government Departments, Public Institutions and Public Sector Undertakings have been relying on TGTS Ltd., for their hardware/software procurement requirements.Read more..
1.Procurement of Rack Server under e-Courts Project, High Court for the State of Telangana.
2.Procurement of NAS- Storage under eCourts Project, High Court for the State of Telangana.
Aadhaar Authentication means the process by which the Aadhaar number along with the Aadhaar holder's personal identity data such as biometric/demographic...
In Application Security Audit, TGTS provides security assessment for applications where analysis of user departments website/application for any weaknesses, technical flaws, or vulnerabilities is done.
The Government of Telangana is providing video conference service to Revenue Department and to HOD offices from 1998 onwards. Currently the service is available in around 700 offices across Telangana.
TGTS provides consultancy services to Government Departments, Government Companies/ Corporations, and Government Aided Bodies/ Institutions in the purchase of modern office
TGTS takes up procurement of hardware, software, networking components, and other IT goods and services on behalf of various government departments of the state.
The government of Telangana is using Digital Signature Certificates in various IT projects including the eProcurement platform for procurement of works, goods & services and receiving payments through portal TGTS
Telangana Police
Hyderabad Police
Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
+91 40-23226970